Baseball, Comedy, Sports

Major League (1989)


  • Overall Rating: 6 Stars
  • Plot: 6 Stars
  • Script: 4 Stars
  • Acting: 6 Stars
  • Music: 4 Stars
  • Sound and Special Effects: 8 Stars
  • Costumes: 8


PLOT: Major League is about a fictional season of the Clevland Indians in the MLB. It focuses on how they have not won a pennant or even made the playoffs in a very long time. After a season when the team needs a new owner, a model named Rachel Phelps (Margaret Whitton) takes over the team and plans to construct a roster that would be so bad the team would come dead last in the standings and lose so much of an audience the league would be forced to move her team to Florida. The roster consists of 2 former pros Jake Taylor (Tom Berenger) with bad knees and Roger Dorn (Corbin Bernsen) who is scared of the ball and his health the following year when he hits the free agent market. The team also consists of rookies Rick “Wild Thing” Vaughn (Charlie Sheen) and Willie Mayes Hayes (Wesley Snipes). As soon as the team finds out that Rachel wants to move the team to Florida the team pulls themselves together to make the playoffs.

SCRIPT: The script is just ok in this film. The writers gave characters backgrounds that they never really followed through with. Such as Taylor’s Bad knees they mentioned them but it was never an issue, Dean’s affairs should have lead to bigger climax, Hayes’ showed up to spring training and camp without being invited but they never mentioned how he found out about it, and we never really got to see why some player’s personalities affected the way they played at the end of the film.

ACTING: With Wesley Snipes and Charlie Sheen as great supporting actors in this film you have fun just watching them be on screen. Everyone else seems to be there and not add to much too the movie. Tom Berenger who had the lead role in the film did great job but wasn’t given enough to work with.

MUSICIn a sports movie you always want good pump up music. You get 1 song in the entire movie that really does that for you.

Sound and Special Effects: The sound in this film was good. The hit of the ball against the bat, the sound the ball makes when it lands in the glove and the crowd cheering was amazing. The special effects in this film is mainly just the cameraman and maybe stuntman making you think these guys can actually play baseball on an MLB level.

Costumes: In all sports movies the outfits and jerseys players wear play a key role in making you think that what you are watching could be a real team somewhere in some world. The movie used real looking MLB jerseys and the real logos of over 3 teams. You can tell the costume department really did their work when seeing what baseball players wear on the field too.